Friday, September 9, 2011

Web resouces for online practical activities in biology

1. DOT POINT: Plan, choose equipment or resources to perform 1st hand investigation to model natural selection.
The chosen website: The learning federation.
The link for the activity:
This education website (the learning federation) has got enormous resources for teaching students. To access this site somebody either has to be a teacher or has to have access via an educational institute. The activity I chose from site was a simulation activity on natural selection. After doing the activity students will have to answer MCQ based on the activity. I have found the activity to be quite effective and interactive. Check it out guys.
2. Uniserve science- This website belongs to University of Sydney where there is a range of resources relevant to stage 6 biology NSW syllabus. Of course among the resources there are many online practical in the form of animations and simulation software. The web address
3. Hands on activities for teaching biology to high school or middle school students:
This site provides ideas on how to hands on activities in biology. I could found plenty of relevant topic related to my designated module 9.3. There is actually an activity to make the students understand the concept of Mendelian genetics and pedigree, where students do a role play as a dragon mother and dragon father in groups of two. The weblink for the site is
The idea can applied in the classroom settings very easily.
4. Zero bio: Online biology quiz and game site: This is an interesting site, where I found someinteresting activity to construct pedigree. Moreover there are also some interactive simulations for monohybrid cross using Punett squares.
 Some other links that might be helpful for others:
a. National geographic website: The website of this renowned magazine offers many useful resources for teachers and students to comprehend the concepts in biology.
b. The discovery website: This site also encompasses many interesting resources that teachers can use in their classroom.
c. The public broadcasting service website of US: This site also quite resourceful with plenty of videos, animations, lesson plan to help teachers as well as students.


  1. Hi Rezwana,

    Sorry I'm commenting on yours because my person hasn't done their blog yet.

    Great website resources you have chosen. I had a look at the MCQ questions from the web resource by learning federation and I think it is a fantastic way of formative assessment with respect to your practical on natural selection.

    I would like to share with you that with my practical in my blog I have a youtube video clip to show students the stages of mitosis. Like the website (universe science) that you have provided that consist of animations this is a great example to benefit concrete thinkers to understand these abstract concepts in a clearer light


  2. Hi Rezwana,
    I tried accessing that explore learning website, but I do not understand how. The use of MCQ questions could prove useful as diagnostic assessment.

    I also found the uniserve site and I feel that it resources are very extensive. However, I did find some of the links in the uniserve site to be dead links.
    Regardless, I do think that you have done well as all of those sources seem to be very relevant to the syllabus and also reliable sources of information

